The problem is, I don't have hands. And Arnold has hands, but doesn't seem to know how to work this thing. I thought he should be an expert in Wii, as I've been told he has gone Wii Wii Wii all the way home. Arnold says he's not that kind of pig.
Arnold is a British pig. And boy oh boy has he traveled! He started his travels in England and has been to places like Germany, Hawaii, Washington State and Arizona. He's not certain how long he has been in Indiana, but his log says he has gone more than 30,000 miles! He began traveling in 2003. Almost ten years of being on the road.
With all that in mind, Arnold and I decided we should make more travel plans for him. I'm thinking of going on the road myself...getting a travel tag and hitting the road. However, I'm kind of dependent on my humans and they really like to pose me in pictures for their Waymarking thing. I have overheard talk...
So while Diane and Rick weren't looking, Arnold and I highjacked Diane's computer. First we went to Travelocity, because we wanted to meet the gnome.
We got a couple of ideas there, but then we decided to do some price comparing. Arnold had heard about some guy that used to pilot a space ship, and since he hasn't been in outer space, he thought that might be a good plan. So we got to talk to William Shatner....
but it turns out that he doesn't drive a space ship anymore. He did give some travel advice on a different website. Good advice!
All that planning made us thirsty, so Arnold suggested we step outside and have a pint. We got all settled in, then realized the state of Indiana doesn't sell beer on Sunday. Not only that, neither of us had anyway to carry drinks outside.
We just chose to bask in the sun. I hear Arnold will be getting a bath soon, and plans have been made for his release back on the road. You'll have to stay tuned to get the scoop on where he goes. In the meantime, I have decided I want to meet another humans discovered they are not the only ones who love the pink birds...I may have kin somewhere named Vooodooo! I can hardly wait to find out if it's true.