Tuesday, January 1, 2013


My humans have been celebrating the holidays and have been staying pretty close to home. So for the New Year, I thought I would share with you their profile as listed on waymarking.com. It kind of explains how I came to be....

Why play Where's Waldo Waymarker when you have pink flamingos to fill the world? Doesn't make sense to you??? Well read on...

Rick and Diane enjoy exploring and finding the odd and unusual. Both of us are somewhat camera shy, so we've allowed Philbert to adopt us and stand in to verify we were actually at all the places we say we were. Philbert is a "phlamingo"...actually, an entire "phlock" of "phlamingos" available for photo opportunities of all sorts. You will find him either obviously, or not so obviously in most of our visits and many of our own waymarks. It all depends on the setting as to which Philbert has his photo taken. It's great fun and he has turned out to be a inspiration for us to keep waymarking. We have turned it into a game to find new ways and poses to slip him into our photos. 

The only down side to all this frolic is our friends (the few we have left...) seriously question our sanity. With our ever handy bag full of pink flamingos ready to be pulled out at moments notice the raised eyebrows seem to grow exponentially. None the less while most think our capacities have flown the coop we think we have only begun to tap the potential of this most admirable pink avian creature. They are undoubtedly destined to replace those silly white geese and their outfits adorning everyone's front lawns if given half a chance. 

Yes, given the direction our country is headed its only a matter of time before everyone is able to realize the American dream of owning their very own pink plastic flamingo and joy of placing it in the front yard as a symbol of their undying patriotism. It is with abundant gratitude that through waymarking we, dnrseekers, are able to introduce this amazing pink bird to noteworthy sites throughout the world and share the love! (It's hard to believe some people don't take this waymarking thing seriously isn't it???)

My resolution for the new year is to look as phabulous as I possible can and to not fall off of signs when I am put there. I would say it is to blog more regularly, but I have to rely on either Rick or Diane for that. 

Happy New Year!

Philbert--the newest phlock members and me...the uncle

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