Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Missing Bird...

Sorry I've been M.I.A.  My humans bought a new nest and worked and worked and worked to get it phlock ready. It's really a pretty nice habitat. There's even a geocache on the premises…and another within flying distance. For you non-flying humans, you can canoe or kayak out to the second geocache.

Pretty nice, eh? Of course, the place looks much better now. It even has a name…are you ready for it? It is...

Isn't that the greatest? My humans love me so much they named their nest after me. And had a sign made up special and had it shipped from England. 

So when they aren't slaving away on the nest, the humans have done some traveling. I've gotten to see a lot of the United States…places like Louisiana, Alabama, Texas, MIssissippi, New Mexico, and Arizona, Utah, Colorado (I even got to sit on the Four Corners!) and Michigan. For a big trip, I even flew across the pond to Scotland!  I tried to get into Eilean Donan Castle, but the gate keeper wasn't too keen on my being there...

 So I've been having adventures, just not telling you all about them. I'll try to do better.

Yesterday the humans went on a geocaching expedition. They were in search of trackables. It seems they are difficult to find in Indiana as the humans don't know how to keep track of them. Tracking trackables? I guess it's on of those easier said than done things. But they sent one on it's way…

And do you notice the swag they sent along? Yup. A bendable me. 

Flying off to figure out how to hide more caches, set up more waymarks, and keep on traveling.


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